In last decades, when purchasing a TV for your living room, the priority usually was the picture quality or the price. Nowadays, apart from pixels and sound quality you’re looking for more functionality.!Would Netflix & Youtube be enough?! Is it Bluetooth and Wifi compatible? Could it integrate with Smart Devices your buy on Amazon or Bunning warehouse?
In a similar context, if you’re an entrepreneur operating a cafe or restaurant you may need to upgrade your tools and equipment from time to time. When investing in new technology systems or perhaps a new device, obviously you want to achieve multiple solutions.
1. Multi-features vs one function
In New Zealand, many global franchises had invested heavily in their services in the last few years. If you’re familiar with drive-throughs at Macca or KFC in the past, now you must’ve seen a big self-service screen to order when entering their shops. It looks really fancy and cool but bear in mind that machine only has one function: to place an order! The TABLER we have released recently not only aligned to the idea of self-serving kiosks but also could achieve more than that. Call of service and display in-house promotion is naming a fews. Everything under one management application and fully in your control.
2. The long tail of profit.
A warm smile is not enough to keep clients coming back. They might like your coffee but they also like the atmosphere of the cafe on the next corner.
That’s why cafes and restaurants have many tricks and tools to build up their own clienteles and regulars. The old-school trick you normally see are loyalty programs, prepaid cards and coffee cards. The inconvenience of using paper cards is already proven as wastes of resources and time-consuming. New tech already came up with a solution to replace the classic paper, however, with TABLER we can achieve the ultimate goals: improve your services and reward your clients. Our future release would include Digital Points System, Combo Promotions, DiCards
Why do we do it? Because we work with venues and businesses to offer services to optimise turnover, not just sell hardware devices.
If you’re in love with the idea of self-service kiosks for your venue, why not invest in our TABLER?
If Microsoft wants XBOX to be the centre of home entertainment, we designed TABLER as a multi-function unit of restaurants, cafes or bars.
a TABLER on the table means people can order more or call service at any time.
A kiosk with a single function or a tech solution device, you hold the answer in your hand.