After more than a year of living with the epidemic, the restaurant and hotel business (F&B) has been severely affected. To help the F&B industry overcome the pandemic, many technology solutions have appeared recently on the market such as contactless ordering, online sales management, and setting up a sales website…

It can be seen before 2020 business activities were diversified cuisine. However, the pandemic Covid-19 strikes caused mass stores into a state of “hibernation” extend or suspend operations because of the spacing rules to prevent epidemic. Faced with new formulas that are ‘vital’ to the F&B industry, technology companies have launched the solution to support F&B business as illustrated by Contactless Ordering, digital display service information, food menu, etc.


Contactless Ordering

Throughout technology applications, especially Dikauri Device,  customers can check for menus, order favourites and pay with credit card or e-wallet. Then, restaurant staff can get the orders and prepare the food. The whole process is completely contactless, without talking or using cash. This way, customers and employees can avoid touching the restaurant’s menu, and limit the exchange of cash – where there is a potential risk of virus infection. 

Improve the staff issues

Based on Trade Me data, there are more than 80,000 jobs listed in June, 2021. Such a huge number due to the staff shortage in the market and the employers are battling each other. 

When looking at the restaurant business, we are having the same issue because of the following reasons:

  • Covid-19 had pushed migrants out of the country, and we lost a huge amount of workforce.
  • Increasing of wage.

While the Kiwis are still fighting Covid-19 and the restaurant businesses are trying to survive. The Dikauri device could really give you a hand.

With our product, we can support the current staff to reduce their workload by letting the customer do their own orders or payments. The staff can support the customers only when there is a specific need or an issue happens with the device. 

The reduction of interaction is also matched with the customer’s need as they try to reduce the human interaction to avoid potential risk of Covid-19.


Catch up with the latest news

The arrival of COVID-19 has changed technology behavior significantly. In other words, the pandemic has forced the authorities to “open the door” to the greater application of technology in economics and business. In terms of  F&B, technology can bring the latest news about the pandemic closer to customers, such as safety tips in restaurants during COVID-19, update of the local guidance, etc…And Dikauri Device will help you deliver the news in the most efficient way with only 1 click.

Information technology not only promotes inclusive growth, but also enhances our ability to cope in the midst of a crisis – helping us to mitigate the negative effects of social disruption, helping us stay connected, and work more efficiently.

Fast order for take away

Self-order kiosks are a growing trend and are becoming a major facet of quick service and fast-casual restaurants. In the 2019 Restaurant Success Report, 53% of guests marked self-ordering kiosks as either somewhat important or extremely important to their guest experience.

Self-order kiosks are gaining popularity for a number of reasons. They allow restaurants to meet diners’ expectations with a top-notch digital experience and easy-to-use interfaces. They also give guests more control over the ordering process, making it easier for them to review the menu and customize their orders.

Kitchen display screen

The restaurant kitchen can be a hectic place, so, depending on your restaurant’s needs, printed tickets might not be your best option. Many restaurants today are instead using kitchen display systems (KDS) to keep things moving efficiently in the kitchen and throughout the entire restaurant.

While taking orders, you can actually show Dikauri dashboard on your screen, and follow up with the kitchen to prepare as ordered.