Action NOW to cut down 1000 per month

Media says 40% of restaurants and cafes are going through difficulty now. If you are and in the same situation, do not wait for support from government. Try to save yourself and DO IT NOW.

A device or service?

Why you should spend a thousand on a sale kiosk machine that only has one function instead of a multi-functions device?

Prepare for the RED

The RED might come suddenly, let”s prepare for this via our TABLER™ with contact-less order. Safe and save.

How technology solutions help the F&B industry overcome the pandemic

After more than a year of living with the epidemic, the restaurant and hotel business (F&B) has been severely affected. To help the F&B industry overcome the pandemic, many technology solutions have appeared recently on the market such as contactless ordering, online sales management, and setting up a sales website…

An effective way to bring ads closer to your customer

It became very clear that video is an important communication tool. 72% of people will find out more about the product with video advertising. But we should approach the customer in a way that they can also watch it and enjoy the meal at the same time.  Try TABLER ads!  It sounds familiar to you…

Introduction to Dikauri table-top device

With the sudden shift of the industry where the F&B market has to improvise in many ways to adapt. Imagine staff shortage, the rise of material cost, transportation cost and not much customers come to your restaurant nowadays, all because of Covid-19. Hence, with years of experience in the tech industry, we finally bring you…