What technology is fit for small businesses?

During the past decade, there has been an explosion in the number of affordable, high-quality technology solutions specifically geared toward local small businesses. Includes POS systems, sales management software, tax software, accounting software, employee payroll and schedule management programs, inventory tracking tools, loyalty programs, gift card technology, e-commerce opportunities, website design, email marketing software, social…

An effective way to bring ads closer to your customer

It became very clear that video is an important communication tool. 72% of people will find out more about the product with video advertising. But we should approach the customer in a way that they can also watch it and enjoy the meal at the same time.  Try TABLER ads!  It sounds familiar to you…

Digital Transformation in Restaurant Business

Digital Transformation and Technology Application are essential integration into operating restaurants effectively nowadays, fundamentally changing how you deliver value to customers.    It has been mentioned by business owners in recent years. When technology is gradually creeping into every corner, comprehensively changing the way of operation, from macro business administration to ordering food, most managers…